Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drugs that are used to cash mood or intense states are particular as?


e.psychotropics.Drugs that are used to cash mood or intense states are particular as?
E. Psychotropic
how in the order of C
f. godsends
e. psy·cho·tro·pic (sī'k-trō'pik, -trop'ik)
Having an altering effect on perception, sentiment, or behavior. Used especially of a drug.
A psychotropic drug or other agent.
psychotrophics www.wikipedia.com
i'll say f. as in good health "god sent!"
B D or E are all pleasing .. at some point I know for a fact I own been on one from respectively class.. and that is what is startling about mental strength.. doctors are desperate enough to try anything to substitute for the drought of knowledge in the region of these types of illnesses. And a couple of them did a pretty good profession of putting me to sleep.. so throw 'C' in in attendance too
I know that b. is one, c is one, d. is one, not sure about e. and I believe a. is a headache/pain organization medication of some kind b. would be similar to seriquel, resperdale, halodal
c. would be zanax, valium, ect...
d. would be lithium, depakote, tegratol, ect
In German it's called: Psychopharmaka, ... which is duplicate as psychiatric drugs. so, I would say b, c, and e- adjectives three... final answer.
b=specificly treat psychosis
c=some anti-anxiety meds
d=for epileptics (and sometimes used as mood stablizers)
e=the general title of mood or mood altering drugs

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