Friday, October 15, 2010

Cure for my phobia?

When I was something like eighteen, Tylenol and Excedrin were poisoned next to cyanide. Every since that happened I enjoy been worried to death of tablets even when I need it. I own migranes and terrible PMS and on a few occasion have have to go to emergency room for shots. I could hold avoided this if I would have in recent times took two aspirins. I feel protected at hospital. When I do take aspirins I hold a sudden feel of passing and now I clear my husband take two past me or with me. I know this is sick, but I even agitation my kids taking medicine.Cure for my phobia?
The best cure for any panic is knowledge. Take pharmacuetical classes at your local university.
You should consider seeing a shrink about your phobia, they may know how to help you overcome it. Also, hypnotherapy might be an substitute. Some people doubt wether it really works or not, but it is an choice. I would suggest making a therapist appointment soon, because that sounds similar to a potentially dangerous phobia to own.
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