Friday, October 15, 2010

Depression and or adhd?

can someone who has never be diagnosed with anything within their life be diagnosed next to adhd and depression at the same if all/most of the symptoms are present of both? or would they diagnose you near just one piece only?Depression and or adhd?
Absolutely so. A personality with no previous diagnosis can be diagnosed even if it wasn't caught while they be younger. Sometimes learning disabilities are not caught at college, and it's dismissed as a behavioral problem per say. And sometimes a human being who has never have a history of depression can become depressed from a certain incident, s.a.d. (seasonal depression), etc., and both illnesses can be there the same time within the same individual. The only road you can know for sure is by seeing a health keeping professional to get a correct diagnosis.
I am NOT a doctor or a professional, but from my studies you can develop those symptoms subsequent in duration and yes, you can develop both of them. I would go see at lowest possible a general practioner to find out for sure

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